About Us
Victor M. Glasberg & Associates is a small plaintiffs’ federal litigation firm, in existence since 1982, focusing on civil rights and public interest work. For years it was the only Virginia firm, and currently is one of two Virginia firms, named in the current U.S. News and World Report nation-wide listing of “best law firms for civil rights work.” The firm does some general plaintiff’s litigation as well. On rare occasions, we have represented a defendant in court where the plaintiff’s claim appears frivolous and abusive. While most of the firm’s work is in the Alexandria, Virginia federal court, we have handled cases in various federal and state courts in Virginia, the District of Columbia, and (with the assistance of local counsel) in Maryland.
The firm works closely with the Virginia affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union, and over the years has handled many cases for the affiliate. We have also worked with or represented the local chapter of the NAACP, the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law, the Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs, the National Prison Project of the ACLU, the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, CASA of Maryland, Tenants and Workers United, Mexicans Without Borders, various legal services offices, and other public interest organizations.
The firm has handled matters in the following areas, among others: freedom of expression and assembly, separation of church and state, religious liberty, police abuse, wrongful arrest, prison abuse, denial of medical care in prison, race discrimination in public accommodations, immigrants’ rights, employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, pregnancy, religion, national origin, age, and disability, housing discrimination based on race and family status, sexual harassment, Family and Medical Leave Act violations, unpaid wages and overtime, labor trafficking, whistle-blower retaliation, and wrongful termination. A list of some of the cases handled by the firm appears here.